If you missed the hardback, Treachery in Tuscany is now in mass market paperback – and check out the price! If you can’t travel to Italy, be an armchair traveler and follow Jordan Mayfair as she solves another mystery, this time in a convent.
Chapter 16
Check out Chapter 16. https://chapter16.org
There’s a feature article by my friend Carolyn Wilson (who is a friend to many Nashville writers and readers) on Women in the Literary Landscape, the book published for the WNBA Centennial.
Thanks also to Margaret Renkl for giving Treachery in Tuscany a “Briefly Noted” mention. https://chapter16.org/briefly-noted
Centennial Club Event Friday
What a warm welcome I received from the Centennial Club on Friday. Thanks to all who made the event happen, to the women attended, and to those who bought books. I reconnected with many friends!
Treachery in Tuscany – An Afternoon in Florence
Photos from Parnassus – What a great time Alana and I had! Thanks to all who came to support us. I hope you had as much fun as we did.
Treachery in Tuscany Bookmarks Arrive for Sunday
Just received the bookmarks that my talented son-in-law, Jorge Arrieta, designed.
I’ll have plenty on hand Sunday, June 3, 2:00, at Parnassus for “An Afternoon in Florence” – and Italian refreshments, and a book giveaway.
Hope to see you as Alana White and I talk about setting our books in the amazing Renaissance City, Florence.
If you haven’t RSVP’d, come anyway!
Getting Ready for Parnassus Event!
Treachery in Tuscany is now available.
On June 3, at 2:00, Alana White will interview me at Parnassus Bookstore – “An Afternoon in Tuscany.” Please join us!
Hoping for a beautiful day like today, when we were working (really, we were working!) at Zoe’s.
Setting Inspires Treachery
Thanks to Jacqueline Seewald who invited me to be her guest today on Author Expressions.
I hope you’ll visit!
Release date: May 2
Author event at Parnassus: June 3, 2:00
Listen . . .to Treachery in Tuscany
I’m reading the opening scene of Treachery in Tuscany. Please listen and share!
Pub date: May 2, 2018 — Author event at Parnassus: June 3, 2018
Save the Date!
Sunday, June 3, 2:00 p.m. at Parnassus Bookstore
To celebrate the launch of Treachery in Tuscany, I’ll be joined at Parnassus by my friend Alana White, author of The Sign of the Weeping Virgin. We will do an “Afternoon in Florence,” discussing the amazing Renaissance city and all its pleasures that make it ideal for the setting of both our books. Treachery in Tuscany is a contemporary traditional mystery, third in the Jordan Mayfair Mystery Series. Alana’s Sign of the Weeping Virgin is historical fiction, set in 1480 Italy.
We’ll have fun talking about Italy, yesterday and today, and answering your questions!
WNBA Mystery Panel
Women’s National Book Association – Nashville – Mystery Panel
I am delighted to be joining Jenna Brown, Dana Carpenter, and Peggy Peden on a panel that will highlight our mysteries, sponsored by WNBA.
I’ll be talking about Secrets and Shamrocks and I’m sure I’ll put a plug in for Treachery in Tuscany, which will be released May 2.
Read more about the program at WNBA’s website: