It’s an exciting day, the day A Season of Darkness is released. First thing this morning I visited the Working Stiffs blog. Bente Gallagher invited me to be a guest blogger on this one, and I enjoyed it. They have a great site. Check it out!
Last week an AP story went out about our book, and the Tennessean published it. Over the weekend we were interviewed by Channel 4, WSMV, and the interview aired on the 10:00 news. Doug was interviewed by WPLN, the NPR station. Things have been coming together for the book, and today is the day! Actually, though, tomorrow is the day, too! That’s the signing at Borders West End, 7:00. It will be bitter cold, and those who come out to support Doug and me will be either family (you know, family members have to do that sort of thing) or the most loyal friends!