Nashville Writers Alliance Panel at SFB

Our panel is set for 4:00-5:30, Saturday, October 9. The Southern Festival of Books is a weekend-long event, Friday through Sunday, on the Legislative Plaza. It is a tremendous event for writers and readers in Nashville – and people come in from far away to attend.

The Nashville Writers Alliance panel is made up of members and former members of our writers group that has met on Tuesday nights for more than 30 years. (See Writers Group category for more information.) Some questions we will be addressing: What makes a successful writers group? Why has ours flourished when others don’t? What are some issues to consider in forming a writers group?  Please make plans to attend, and we welcome your ideas.


I write a little bit of everything - fiction, nonfiction, and sometimes even poetry. For twenty years I served on the English faculty at Nashville State Community College, where I taught composition, literature, and creative writing. I was editor of the literary magazine, Tetrahedra, for eight years, and it was one of the joys of my career to see student writers get their first opportunity to be published. I earned my B.S. in Education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and received my M.A. in English from Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee. My home is Nashville, close to my two daughters and their families. I like to play tennis and play the piano. Tuesday nights, I meet with a writers group that I've been in for more years than I will say!

One thought on “Nashville Writers Alliance Panel at SFB

  1. Wayne Guyette

    I’ve had the honor and great pleasure to attend two meetings of the Nashville Writer’s Alliance and would recommend the upcoming panel to all serious writers interested in joining or developing a peer critique group. While leadership of such groups is vital, particularly in a group’s early stages, it is the vibrancy of the group itself that drives its continuity, effectiveness, value, impact, and success. Many groups start off with the best of intentions and enthusiasm, yet soon pass away like so much flotsam; never to heard from again. So, if you are interested in a really good peer critique model, don’t miss this panel that summarizes over thirty years of trial, error and, above all, success. Oh, my, just think about it… thirty+ years, Wow!.. WG.

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