December Dates

Thank you, Nashville Lifestyles Magazine, for publishing an excerpt from A SEASON OF DARKNESS in the December issue.  It will be out December 1. Anyone interested in an early look at Chapters 1 and 2, pick up a copy of the magazine when it comes out.

A SEASON OF DARKNESS will be released December 7.  The book should be available at bookstores and on on that date.

Our first signing is December 8, 7:00, at Borders West End. Two other signings are scheduled with our friends at Mysteries & More on December 11, 2:00,  and Sherlock’s Downtown, December 17, 11:00.

Thanks to all who are keeping up with these dates and passing the word to others! 

New Signing Date!

The news about Davis-Kidd’s closing sent us scrambling for a new location to launch A SEASON OF DARKNESS. We are happy that Borders West End wants us!  Our signing is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8 at 7:00. Since the release date for the book is December 7, this is perfect. Many thanks to Borders, and I hope our friends will make the bookstore glad!  It has been gratifying to get so many emails and calls asking, “What are you going to do about the signing?”  Thanks to our friend and publicist Tom Robinson for making these arrangements!

Davis-Kidd Bookstore Closing

What sad and shocking news. Besides what Davis-Kidd has meant to readers, the bookstore has been a great friend to writers.  The signing for A SEASON OF DARKNESS that was to be held on Dec. 9 is cancelled.  More later about another location and perhaps another date to launch the book.

Advance Copies Arrive!

I’m looking at my advance copy of A SEASON OF DARKNESS.  Though I’ve read the manuscript so many times I think I can recite it, it’s only now, as I’m holding the finished product in my hand, that it finally feels like a real book – and I am suddenly aware of what a heavy thing it is to write about this tragic and well-known murder mystery.  I think the book will bring back a lot of memories for a lot of Nashvillians.  It is my hope – and Doug’s, too, I know – that the story we have written will be well-received by those close to Marcia Trimble’s family and neighbors.  

We will launch the book on December 9 at 7:00 at Davis-Kidd Booksellers in Green Hills.