An Unexpected Visitor

I recognized her, of course. She has been in my thoughts and in my writing for three years. “Mrs. Trimble!” I said, and we held each other in a long embrace. She traveled from Kentucky, where she now lives, to be at our signing. We had sent her a book, not for her to give feedback, but because we thought she’d want to know what we’d written about her family. She wanted to meet us. For two hours, as a few people came in and out of the bookstore, we talked with this extraordinary lady.  We had not tried to interview her during our writing process because, first, everyone involved in the case was preparing for the trial, and then because we heard she was writing a book of her own. She is, indeed, writing a memoir. No doubt it will be something people in Nashville and beyond will want to read – certainly I will.  I was glad we had not intruded on her privacy. It was so much better as it turned out.  We’ve had an amazing couple of weeks since the book was released, but this was the highlight!


I write a little bit of everything - fiction, nonfiction, and sometimes even poetry. For twenty years I served on the English faculty at Nashville State Community College, where I taught composition, literature, and creative writing. I was editor of the literary magazine, Tetrahedra, for eight years, and it was one of the joys of my career to see student writers get their first opportunity to be published. I earned my B.S. in Education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and received my M.A. in English from Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee. My home is Nashville, close to my two daughters and their families. I like to play tennis and play the piano. Tuesday nights, I meet with a writers group that I've been in for more years than I will say!

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